Voeding en gezondheid

Dagelijks 688 mg polyfenolen gedurende minimaal 7 dagen verbetert de sportprestatie

Verhoogt het slikken van polyfenolen de sportprestatie?

Dit overzichtsartikel bevatte 14 studies. De dosering van de polyfenolen was 688 ± 478 mg per dag. In de studies zaten voornamelijk mannelijke sporters.

Resultaten en conclusies:
De onderzoekers vonden dat het slikken van polyfenolen gedurende minimaal 7 dagen, de sportprestatie significant met 1.90% [95% BI = 0.40-3.39] verhoogde.

De onderzoekers vonden in de subgroepenanalyses van 7 studies dat het slikken van quercetine gedurende minimaal 7 dagen, de sportprestatie significant met 2.82% [95% BI = 2.05-3.58] verhoogde.

De onderzoekers concludeerden dat het slikken van 688 mg polyfenolen per dag, met name quercetine gedurende minimaal 7 dagen, de sportprestatie verhoogde.

Oorspronkelijke titel:
Polyphenols and Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by Somerville V, Bringans C and Braakhuis A.


Extra informatie van El Mondo:
Lees hier meer over sportvoeding en flavonoïden.


200-1000 mg vitamine C per dag verlaagt de oxidatieve stress

Research Question:
How many mg of vitamin C per day is needed to reduce the increased oxidative stress among athletes?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 12 studies. They were crossover or Rcts. The vitamin C supplementation period ranged from acute to 5 months.


Results and conclusions:
Antioxidants supplements are widely used by athletes in order to avoid the increased oxidative stress. The increased oxidative stress leads to muscle damage, a lowered immune system and fatigue.

The researchers conclude that 200-1000 mg of vitamin C per day reduces the oxidative stress while more than 1000 mg per day seems to reduce the training-induced adaptations by decreasing the mitochondrial biogenesis or by any changes of the vascular function.

200 mg of vitamin C per day, obtained by five servings of fruits and vegetables, may be enough to reduce the oxidative stress without the threshold adjustments to exceed the optimal training harms.

During periods of increased oxidative stress athletes can benefit from swallowing more than 200 mg of vitamin C per day for 1 to 2 weeks.

Original title:
Effect of Vitamin C Supplements on Physical Performance by Ballard AJ.



Additional information about El Mondo:
Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants. This imbalance can be caused by an increased level of reactive oxygen particles and/or reactive nitrogen particles or a decrease in antioxidant in the immune system. Antioxidants include vitamin C, E, zinc, beta carotene and flavonoids. Pro-oxidants include exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, particulate matter.