100-400g/day fruits and vegetables reduce risk of lung cancer

Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death. Fruits and vegetables containing carotenoids and other antioxidants have been hypothesized to decrease lung cancer risk. Therefore, this meta-analysis (systematic review) has been conducted.

Do fruits and vegetables reduce lung cancer risk?

Study design:
This review article included prospective cohort studies up to December 2014.

Results and conclusions:
The investigators found in 18 studies, when comparing the highest fruits and vegetables with the lowest intakes, a significantly reduced risk of 14% for lung cancer [summary RR = 0.86 [95% CI = 0.78-0.94].

The investigators found in 25 studies, when comparing the highest vegetables with the lowest intakes, a significantly reduced risk of 8% for lung cancer [summary RR = 0.92 [95% CI = 0.87-0.97].

The investigators found in 29 studies, when comparing the highest fruits with the lowest intakes, a significantly reduced risk of 18% for lung cancer [summary RR = 0.82, 95% CI = 0.76-0.89].

The investigators found the association with fruit and vegetable intake was marginally significant in current smokers and inverse but not significant in former or never smokers.

The investigators found in 4 studies for each 100 g/day increase of fruits and vegetables, a significantly reduced risk of 4% for lung cancer [RR = 0.96, 95% CI = 0.94-0.98, I2 = 64%, n (cases) = 9,609].

The investigators found in 20 studies for each 100 g/day increase of vegetables, a significantly reduced risk of 6% for lung cancer [RR = 0.94, 95% CI = 0.89-0.98, I2 = 48%, n (cases) = 12,563].

The investigators found in 23 studies for each 100 g/day increase of fruits, a significantly reduced risk of 8% for lung cancer [RR = 0.92, 95% CI = 0.89-0.95, I2 = 57%, n (cases) = 14,506].

The investigators found the results were consistent among the different types of fruits and vegetables. However, the strength of the association differed across locations.

The investigators found evidence of a non-linear relationship [p 0.01] between fruit and vegetable intake and lung cancer risk showing that no further benefit is obtained when increasing consumption above ∼400g per day.

The investigators concluded fruits and/or vegetables intakes reduce risk of lung cancer with no further benefit when increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables above ∼400g per day.

Original title:
Fruits, vegetables and lung cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Vieira AR, Abar L, […], Norat T.


Additional information of El Mondo:
Find more information/studies on fruits and vegetables consumption and cancer right here.